What were the Effects of GST on MSME Business

Have you ever come across the abbreviation MSMEs while going through the newspaper (especially business columns) or watching business news on TV? If yes its good, if not then let us inform you that MSMEs stand for micro, small and medium enterprises. MSMEs are considered to be playing a very important role as they are…

Confused to prepare content of meeting? Here we come with all you require

What Do You Understand By Investor Pitch Deck? An investor pitch deck is a kind of small presentation that is often created by using tools like PowerPoint, Keynote or Prezi which are created to provide a quick overview of the business module you want to talk about. These are generally used for face to face…

TDS return e–filing in India

So in this article, we will guide you with the step-by-step instructions in order to do your online TDS return e-filing get done. Follow the steps below: – 1)                 First of all, log on to the TRACES with your details in order to e-file your TDS return. 2)                 Now click on the tab that gives…

GST- One Government One Tax, This Article On Gst- One Solution

What Is GST Registration? GST registration is an official regime in which the businesses whose turnover for the business is more than INR 2,000,000 (20 Lakhs) has to register themselves as normal taxable corporate entity. If the organization is not registered under GST regime it will be treated as an offence under the corporate laws…

What is the need of shareholders agreement?

A shareholders’ agreement is defined as an agreement which is executed among all the shareholders or some of the shareholders of a company. The main purpose of this agreement is to regulate the relationship between the shareholders of the company. This agreement defines the ownership of the shares and protection given to the shareholders. It…

What is Memorandum of Understanding?

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) is a formal agreement but less formal than contracts. It is executed between two (bilateral) or more (multilateral) parties. The main purpose of this agreement is to establish official/partnership relationships. It is not legally binding on the parties. There is an existence of mutual respect between parties executing MoU. It…

The Importance & Benefits of TDS Return Form

As per the Indian taxation code, TDS is known for tax deduction at source. TDS is considered as a kind of proper tax which is deducted from the income of any individual or association before the cash is credited into their account. The government produces revenue by imposing TDS on the people and their organizations.…